GoldenYoga adapts classical poses into accessible, enjoyable and effective moves, uniquely tailored to suit every body.
'Wonderful yoga, Sal! I love your style, so gently and playfully powerful, a real treat.' - Suke Driver
‘Thank you so much for such an amazing yoga treat today. I felt amazing all day. My menopause aches and pains and anxiety gone.’
- Hannah Peatfield
I have a broad range of experience having taught yoga within adult education, an acting school, a prison, schools (children, their parents and teachers) and in two specialised centres for people with Multiple Sclerosis. I was the Intermediate teacher at the Yoga Therapy Centre for six years and was The Marks and Spencer in house yoga instructor for over a decade. I run specialised workshops alongside my weekly courses and lead retreats both in this country and overseas.
As recommended by Lesley Brownett, retired deputy company secretary of Marks & Spencer.
Your yoga practice at M&S has enable us to:
– recharge and focus our energy more effectively
– gain a wider perspective on life
– live more spontaneously
GoldenYoga assists in revealing and ultimately transcending habitual patterns, resistance and detrimental modes of moving and being to bring us home to our inherently enlightened being.
Sallyanne Wood’s all encompassing, playful approach adapts the classical yoga poses into accessible, enjoyable and effective moves uniquely tailored to suit every body. So the poses aren’t imposed, but rather emerge from within, unraveling habitual tension and bringing healing in their wake.
Easing you into a dynamic alignment, GoldenYoga strengthens and balances your entire musculature, nourishing your nervous system and boosting immunity
GoldenYoga has evolved over a couple of decades of dedicated, exploratory practice, training, teaching and embodied research.
In directing our awareness inwards with compassion, sensitivity and a sense of surrender, we can transcend ordinary consciousness and sink beneath the formation of thought and emotion to embodied, momentary sensation, in our ever fluctuating subtle energetic body. In so doing, or rather being, we offer ourselves up for inner alchemy to happen, whereby one's limited view expands and a lightening and refining of consciousness naturally happens.
'Yoga with Sallyanne is a voyage of discovery. Finding out what my body can do and where my mind can take me, which is truly liberating. For me, a session focuses equally on body and mind - the practical and the spiritual - punctuated by moments of levity. Sallyanne takes me out of myself and, by the end of a session, I feel like a different person. Physically and mentally stronger. Calmer, more confident and more optimistic about the future.’
Mike Ridge
GoldenYoga will align and attune you to ever more subtle aspects of your being, encouraging you to transcend limitations and ascend to your highest potential
A GoldenYoga class, weekend, retreat or 1-1 therapeutic treatment is a wonderful chance to immerse yourself in life sustaining practice with Sallyanne’s inspired approach, enabling you to access and readily absorb the healing and energy yoga can offer
Since completing her Iyengar Yoga Teacher Training in 1995, Sallyanne has been immersed in various styles of Bodywork ranging from Ashtanga Yoga to Sensory Awareness, Qi Gong, Focusing, subtle energetic healing and The Feldenkrais Method alongside her own rigorous practice from which her unique approach, GoldenYoga has emerged.
“Thank you for a wonderful class on Zoom tonight Sal🙏
I will surely be up for our regular Weds night sessions to keep the connection between us. It was just like you being in the room.
Thank you for trialling it with such success” 🤸🏼♀😘 Sarah Tyrrell
Learn to be guided by your innate wisdom to enjoy a vibrant equilibrium, imbibed with poise and peace.
Some History
I was almost dragged to my first yoga class a couple of decades ago by a Buddhist friend from art college. Amazingly the notion of flexibility hadn't entered my awareness until then and initially yoga seemed to be about getting better at ever more contorting positions. I immersed myself in practicing suggested series of poses and was surprised to find strength was both required and came with consistent practice. I recognised something about the transformational potential of yoga - it changed how I felt - and a rich practice naturally evolved. Initially my grounding was in the Iyengar Tradition, years later I enjoyed the flow and challenge of Ashtanga and was drawn to Yoga Therapy and Meditation both for my own healing and in my work with people in all kinds of contexts. I have also drawn much inspiration from other mind, body and movement fields including The Feldenkrais Method, Sensory Awareness, Focusing, Dance and subtle energetic healing.
Somewhere within all this influence, knowledge and inspiration I have accessed a deep, inner guided and heart centered, healing practice and love to help others to access their own inner guidance.
Transcendence is inherently beyond technique, so instruction must ultimately be surrendered to allow mastery to enter…
Make a move towards bringing yoga into your life today – email sal@goldenyoga.co.uk or call Sallyanne 07952 307 455
© Copyright Sallyanne Wood 2015-2025