The SLOW & 20(20) mph road marks outside my home on Coppermill Lane became a focus for interventions throughout the eerily quiet lockdown, including dancing to 'Tragedy' by the Bee Gees on New Year's Eve & transforming it to 2021 with street gleaned garb.
Footage of the above, including a found Saree Salutation can be viewed via the links below. A Garb(age) catwalk in Oxfam's porch is yet to appear…
Reflections on resource, giving way, energy, transformation and equilibrium. Sal Wood
Click on the titles below to link to the videos:
Created in partnership with Mark Wagner & Harry Loughlin and Rachael Matthew's Rag Gang
Sallyanne adapts yoga for every body
Regain a vibrant equilibrium imbibed with poise & peace
Ignite your 'Possible Futures' through GoldenYoga.co.uk
For Classes Email sal@goldenyoga.co.uk